Thanksgiving and Yoga? 10 Poses For Stress Relief!

Feeling Thanksgiving stress yet? I always feel stressed as this holiday approaches. Between the kids, cleaning, pets, cooking, traveling, and shopping, I feel so much pressure to get so much done in such a short amount of time. Add the work requirements of an Educator, and my anxiety level is sure to climb. Everyone has their own problems and stresses during the holidays. 

The key is to find healthy ways to cope. After all, we stress so much because we want our families to have the perfect Thanksgiving experience. When we have a great time with family and friends, wondrous memories are made. But we don't have to suffer physically or emotionally to make those memories.

How To Cope!

Is there a way for us to deal with      Thanksgiving stress? You bet! This year, you can join me in trying a holistic approach to stress relief. Let’s do Yoga! Check out some quick, simple Yoga poses that will give you the skills to cope with the stresses of Thanksgiving. Check out the infographic below! 

I hope adding this quick and easy Yoga routine to your Thanksgiving preparations helps to relieve the impending anxiety for you.  Enjoy your friends and family and make beautiful memories!  

Happy Thanksgiving! 

She Knows, AETNA


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